Eat to improve your heart health
Many people fear a heart attack. Think of it as the last straw. Heart disease is, in many cases, a lifestyle disease that is avoidable and, with the right focus, you can avoid it, too.
There are some pretty big risk factors (outside of smoking and drinking in excess), and these include being diabetic, having high cholesterol and being overweight.
What I want to talk to you about today is which dietary changes you might start to make from today, to protect your health and that of your loved ones. There’s fantastic news in this regard because a number of huge studies point to diet and lifestyle change being IT when it comes to prevention.
The INTERHEART study, published in the Lancet in 2004, followed 30,000 people in 52 countries. Researchers found that lifestyle changes could prevent at least 90 percent of all heart disease.
This was another big one: the EPIC study in 2009 looked at how 23,000 people adhered to 4 simple behaviours: not smoking, exercising 3.5 hours a week, eating a healthy diet, and maintaining a healthy weight. Sticking to these four behaviours alone seemed to prevent 93% of cases of diabetes, 81% of cases of heart attacks, 50% of cases of strokes, and 36% of cases of all cancers.
Of course, everyone is individual, and there is no official ‘single diet’ that all humans should eat. But if there were, this would be it because it handles what the essence of the problem is – overweight and a highly inflammatory internal environment.
Before I dive in with some of the answers, I want to say a little something about fat because chances are, if you’ve heard one thing about staving off a heart attack, it’s ‘cut back on fat’ (and especially the saturated kind).
The success of some low-fat dietary models in weight loss is thought to be more likely due to the simultaneous reduction of sugar, refined carbohydrates and processed foods.
Dietary fat actually turns off fat production in your liver. Unlike carbohydrates and protein, dietary fat does not trigger your pancreas to secrete insulin.
There is one type of fat everyone should avoid, and it’s trans fats, a kind of Frankenstein fat added to food to improve shelf life and mouthfeel of products. One study actually found that the risk of coronary heart disease doubled with each 2 percent increase in calories from trans fats (Iqbal, 2014). Another researcher even concluded: “On a per-calorie basis, trans fats appear to increase the risk of CHD more than any other micronutrient.” (Mozaffarian et al., 2006).
The real villains in the piece are refined grains and sugar. During processing, refined grains are stripped of the bran and germ, two parts of the grain kernel that contain a wealth of nutrients. The final product is starch with next to no nutritional value, providing little more than carbohydrates and calories. Refined carbohydrates can be found in a wide variety of foods, including white bread, pasta and rice, muffins, cakes, cookies, crackers, and bagels. Unfortunately, these foods make up a pretty good chunk of the modern Western diet and may be linked to a higher risk of heart disease.
One study from China found that a higher carbohydrate intake, mainly from refined grains, was associated with an increased risk of coronary heart disease among 117,366 adults (Yu et al., 2013).
Sugar is one of the main culprits of heart disease. Added sugars from foods like sweets, desserts, juice and soft drinks can spike blood sugar levels, damaging the blood vessels, overloading the liver and increasing the risk of heart disease.
Interestingly, a study from Harvard School of Public Health actually found that participants who drank the highest amount of sugar-sweetened beverages had a 20 percent higher relative risk of developing coronary heart disease than those who drank the lowest amount (de Koning et al., 2012).
A lower carbohydrate diet is recommended to balance blood sugar and therefore reduce insulin and blood glucose levels. Elevated insulin is a major risk factor for heart disease and promotes inflammation. You’re also likely will lose weight on a blood sugar balancing diet, and that in itself will reduce the risk for many chronic diseases, including heart disease and high blood pressure.
Do you notice a trend in my diet tips? What’s to focus on is real food. What you would benefit from decreasing is the processed stuff most people kid themselves is OK for them to eat. Truly, your body doesn't know what’s going on when you shovel in heavily processed or chemically altered foods.
Eating this way - sometimes referred to as a low GL (glycaemic load) diet - will also help, providing your body with a steady supply of energy through the day, rather than a high-octane rollercoaster of energy spikes and troughs.
Putting the food work into your life alongside the commitment to regularly de-stress, move your body and prioritise sleep is not always easy to do on your own. It is always helpful to have someone – like me – in the wings helping you fit what you already know about eating well into your life and keeping you motivated to follow your plan for long enough that you really see a shift in your health. And if you would like some support - why not book in a call with me here?
How to eat well ##plus## spend less
Eating food you have cooked or prepared at home is healthier for you. It is also considerably cheaper. The key to this is planning. You’ve probably heard the saying ‘failing to plan is planning to fail’. Without a weekly food plan, it will be pure luck if you end up with the right foods in the fridge or cupboard. And, without planning your time, you won’t always make the time to enjoy breakfast or make that lunch. You could be saving a LOT of money each and every week by following these tips.
Be honest with yourself about your spending and shopping habits. That starts with looking into how much you spend each week on take-out coffee, croissants, and other breakfasts; lunchtime salads, soups and sandwiches; snacks and other food treats; and ready meals, takeaways or last-minute meals out.
Make a note every time you buy something (not the main food shop) to eat out of the house. Do this for a week, then multiply by 4 to give you an approximate monthly total.
Log into your banking app (or go online) and make a note of how much you spent over the last month on food.
Add the two figures together. This gives you your total for how much you are spending on food each month. I suspect you will be shocked. Most people are.
Commit to saving a certain amount each week or month. Decide what that is. Commit to it and write it down. What will you do with that extra money? Where can you economise?
Become a planning ninja. The thing about planning is that you need to actually plan to plan. It’s easy to get derailed by events, situations, relationships and tasks that insert themselves into our already busy lives.
Choose a time when you know you will be free every week to plan your meals – breakfasts, lunches and dinners. Ideally plan midweek for the following week. Put a reminder alarm on your phone. If this planning job doesn’t get done, you will have no choice but to shop on a day-to-day basis, which is much more expensive.
Turn these meal plans into a shopping list.
Also create a master list of what you already have in your freezer, fridge and cupboards.
Cross anything you already have off your shopping list.
As an experiment, spend at least one week only allowing yourself to buy what is on your shopping list. No extras! The planning and shopping discipline may take a little time to get used to, but it is worth persevering.
Off-list shopping and impulse buys are the biggest enemy for anyone wanting to keep to a budget. Do not go to the supermarket hungry. You are more likely to shop off-list when you do.
A huge amount of food is thrown away, because we’re not sure what to do with leftovers. Make a commitment to using yours and prepare to save money. There is a bank of resources online to help you find easy recipe suggestions for pretty much anything you may have lurking in the fridge.
This will feel uncomfortable at first. You will be making some meals you have definitely not tried before!
Try the following:
Tesco Meal Planner Left Over Tool (
All Recipes Leftovers Tool (
Love Food Hate Waste (
Protein keeps energy levels stable and is essential for the body’s growth and repair, and healthy skin and nails. Protein is found in meat and poultry, fish, seafood, eggs, lentils, beans, pulses (like chickpeas), quinoa, nuts and seeds. Protein should make up a quarter of your meal (about the size of a clenched fist). Many people do not have protein-based breakfasts. How can you change yours?
MONEY-SAVING TIP: the cheapest sources of protein are vegetarian sources, like beans and lentils. Consider going meat-free one or two days a week. Eggs sold as ‘mixed sizes’ are cheaper than buying all M or L.
That means lots of vegetables – likely more than you are currently eating. The recommendation is 5 portions of vegetables and 2 portions of fruit (ideally low sugar fruit like berries, apples, pears, plums – anything grown in the UK) a day. Fibre keeps energy levels constant, balances your hormones, fills you up, keeps you regular and those fruit and veg contain many immune-boosting plant chemicals. Aim to eat a rainbow of colours over the course of the week.
MONEY-SAVING TIP: Greengrocers are often the cheapest places to buy your veg. Also consider basing meals around special supermarket deals (example Aldi’s Super 6), and don’t rule out the basics and essentials ranges of veg (usually just means they are not regular shapes and sizes). Don’t rule out frozen veg either. It’s cheap, often frozen soon after picking so it’s very fresh, and offers the ultimate convenience. And you are likely to waste less.
Eating fat doesn’t make you gain fat or otherwise put on weight, but some fats are healthier than others. The body loves omega 3 fats, which boost mood and support the stress response, and reduce inflammation. They are found in oily fish (salmon, trout, halibut, cod, fresh tuna, mackerel, sardines), flaxseeds, chia seeds, hemp seeds and walnuts. Other healthy sources of fat are avocados, olive oil, coconut oil, nuts and seeds.
MONEY-SAVING TIP: Frozen fish is a far cheaper option than refrigerated. Don’t be fooled into thinking it’s inferior. Often supermarket ‘fishmonger’ counter fish has been frozen.
Many diets rely heavily on white, pasta, bread, rice and potatoes, but these (especially when eaten without protein) can unbalance your blood sugar levels and cause you to store fat. Swap to healthier wholegrain alternatives; brown rice, wholemeal pasta and bread, and sweet potatoes, and ensure this element takes up no more than a quarter of your meal.
MONEY-SAVING TIP: Many people bulk up meals with starch, especially on a budget. Your body will love you for bulking meals up with veg instead. Eating large portions of starchy foods will have you craving more food than if you had more modest portions.
Most people have an understanding that sugar is not good for them. Eating sugary food is like a treadmill, with one biscuit creating the need for the next. Sugar creates a blood sugar or energy imbalance, fuels inflammation in the body, and makes you put on weight.
MONEY-SAVING TIP: Consider that the more sugar you eat, the more you need to eat. Sugary ‘treats’ soon become a three times a day habit. Depending what you’re snacking on, cutting it out (or cutting down) could save several ££ each day.
Don't hesitate to get in touch with me if you'd like to know more about meal planning and general health - you can book a call with me here.
Pomegranate and Pistachio Chia Pudding
This is a very easy breakfast to make! It’s protein-rich and full of gorgeous antioxidants. If you double or triple the proportions, you can make 3 at a time. Pop them in the fridge and they will keep up to 3 days. Perfect for batch cooking.
3 tbsp chia seeds
180ml coconut or almond milk
1 tsp vanilla extract
40g pomegranate seeds
1 tbsp pistachios, chopped
1. In a small bowl, combine chia seeds, vanilla, and milk
2. Cover and refrigerate for 4 hours (or overnight, if possible)
3. When ready to serve, stir the chia mixture, then layer in a glass with pomegranate seeds
4. Top with pistachios
5. Enjoy!
How to Break Through a Plateau
When you have a specific health goal and feel you are putting in the work, it’s tough when you don’t see the changes you feel you deserve. It’s tempting to give up, but here’s what to do instead.
If progress is disappointing, it’s time to check in with how you feel. Progress is not just a number on the scales and, in many cases, the scales can be misleading. If your goal isn’t just weight loss, a temporary stall in progress can be just as frustrating, with symptoms seeming to vanish one week, but reappear the next. Progress is rarely as straightforward as we think.
In this blog, I’ll be focussing on weight loss plateaus but you can add in your own situation.
What is a weight loss plateau?
A weight loss plateau refers to a phase in your weight loss journey where progress comes to a temporary halt despite your continued efforts. It can be both frustrating and demotivating.
Understanding the dynamics of why this happens is crucial for developing effective strategies to overcome them.
Common causes
Metabolic adaptation: One primary cause of weight loss plateaus is the body's ability to adapt to changes in calorie intake and expenditure. As you lose weight, your metabolic rate may decrease, meaning your body burns fewer calories at rest. This adaptive response can make it challenging to sustain the initial rate of weight loss.
Psychological factors: Psychological aspects play a significant role in weight management. Stress, emotional eating, and other mental health factors can contribute to plateaus. For instance, heightened stress levels can lead to hormonal imbalances that affect metabolism and appetite, hindering weight loss progress. Don't underestimate the power of stress to impact every aspect of your health.
Inconsistent action: It’s easy to be keen and compliant when you first start your programme but, over time, bad habits and inconsistencies can creep in, whether that’s more treat foods, more glasses of wine, or irregular workout patterns.
It’s not simply the number on the scales that can show up.
Lack of change in measurements: A plateau often extends beyond weight loss alone, affecting overall body composition and shape. This might mean measurements such as waist circumference, hip circumference, and other body dimensions stall too.
Emotional and psychological indicators: Forget about the tell-tell signs just being physical. You might also experience heightened frustration, demotivation, or a sense of being stuck in your journey. Emotional eating patterns may also emerge as a response to the perceived lack of progress, further complicating the weight loss process.
Plateaus vary from person to person
Weight loss plateaus are not one-size-fits-all – just like your food plan! They manifest differently for everyone. Factors such as age, gender, genetics, and overall health can influence the nature and duration of plateaus. Some people may experience a brief slowdown in weight loss, while others might encounter a more prolonged and stubborn plateau.
Here are some thoughts for those weeks when things don’t go to plan for whatever the reason.
Quick wins
The basic advice is to keep going. Plateaus are very common and often my clients trust the process and soon things start moving in the right direction again.
In the short term, you can try one of these little boosters:
One of the most important things you can do is to focus on what has gone well. Ask yourself, what am I pleased with that has gone well this week? What other improvements have you noticed?
Keep your eye on the prize. One of the things I’m keen to do as a coach is to help my clients work out why change is important for them. This helps keep focus when a plateau happens. If you’d like to know more about the support I can give you, why not book in a free call here?
As you gear up for another start to a New Year, you might find yourself in the familiar territory of making resolutions in the hope that they somehow stick. You know the drill – enthusiastic promises to hit the gym regularly, eat more greens, lose that extra weight, get more organised, or maybe cut back on alcohol.
How often have those January aspirations fizzled out by the time February rolls around? It's a tale as old as time – the grand intentions, the initial burst of motivation, and then... well, life happens.
It’s not just you. New Year is a time of hope and anticipation, and it genuinely is a really good time to think about how you want your life to be in the coming year. However, the fact that there is already a day set aside each year – it’s called Quitters Day – for the collapse of New Year resolutions, shows that many of us struggle to stick to our good intentions. It’s the second Friday of January – this year it’s the 12th.
The fitness app Strava conducted some research back in 2019 that showed 80% of those who made resolutions had given up by the end of the month and that the second Friday in January was when most started their inevitable decline.
Why can’t we stick to our New Year resolutions?
You can probably imagine the biggest problems and I am sure you will have experienced them for yourself at some stage or another.
The initial resolution was over-ambitious.
You start off filled with enthusiasm but couldn’t maintain the same level of commitment.
I’d like to offer a potential solution to both in a moment. To offer a little branch of hope right now, there is also a New Year’s Resolution Recommitment Day, which is perfect for anyone who slipped in January and needs an official day to get back to their goals.
Do you struggle to stick to your goals?
If you struggle to stick to goals, you’ll benefit from re-visiting your goal-setting strategy. Knowing what you want is just the first step – knowing how to get there is as – if not more – important.
So how do you set goals that lead to success?
You might already have heard about SMART goals but making them SMARTER is even better (and a lot more fun). This means setting goals that are:
The goal must be clear and concise. Vague goals, such as “I want to get healthy” don’t tell you, or anyone else, what you are aiming for. This makes it difficult to know when you’ve reached the goal. It might be worth looking at things like being able to fit into a specific pair of trousers or being able to get to the end of that 5k run without stopping – or other specific activities like getting out on a walk or doing some guided meditation.
The goal must contain measurable criteria for tracking progress. If your goal isn’t specific, you can’t measure it. Ensure your goal has a clear measurable component that you can track to see how close you are to the desired end point. If you are thinking about weight loss, the scale and the tape measure will be needed. You might well want to use both – sometimes the number on the scale doesn’t give the full picture. Or you might be measuring how long you can run, how many Zumba classes you attend, how many times you listen to a sleep story.
The goal must be practically possible, yet still challenging. This is something to bear in mind if you tend to have lofty plans. It’s a balance of being able to actually do it and it being sufficiently challenging to motivate you to spend time and energy pursuing it. For example, if you want to run a marathon and find it relatively easy to get outdoors to run but regularly only run 10km, the goal might be achievable and challenging. If you don’t currently run and never have…
The goal must be realistic in the long term. It is important to ask yourself, “can I actually do this?” and “is it realistic given my current circumstances?”. Not in a self-doubting kind of way, but in a rational, carefully thought-through way. Thinking about goals that might relate to losing weight or exercise, there is a sweet spot between setting goals that feel a bit of a stretch and setting those that are over-optimistic or that require time that you just don’t have.
The goal should be grounded within a specific timeframe. When will you do this by? Having a scheduled completion date greatly increases your odds of reaching your goals. When you know your cut-off date, you know how to pace yourself and prioritise your time, energy, and resources. It can really help focus your energies and keep you motivated as you check in with yourself towards the end of the timeframe. A bit like that extra burst athletes get at the end of the race as they sprint towards the finish.
And now come the BEST bits…
The goal must be enticing and inspiring. Does the thought of the goal excite you? Many people pursue goals because they feel they ‘must’, ‘should’, or because others want them to, rather than because they truly want to achieve the goal. Make sure your goal energises you and is personally motivating. Focus on what will be possible for you when you reach your goal. How will it really feel when you achieve what you set out to do? I want you to get really fired up by your goal!
The goal must offer a clear reward. This can be an extrinsic reward (something tangible such as money, awards, savings, or prizes), or intrinsic (joy, happiness, mastering a skill, or satisfaction of a job well done). If you aren’t getting some benefit or reward for reaching your goal, your motivation is likely to dip. How will you reward yourself? What will feel like a real win? Remember, since we’re in the world of wellness, I’m not talking about having a big blow-out at the end of a diet but something more nourishing of the soul…
You can complete the following statements/questions to help you set your goals:
My goal is...
It is clear and specific in the following way...
How will I know if I’ve achieved it? I can measure success in the following way...
My goal is realistic because...
What are my time frames? By when will I have achieved this goal?
What is exciting about this goal? What inspires me?
What are the rewards? How will this benefit me and my life when I have achieved it?
Fun fact
Research shows you’re more likely to stick to a goal that is action-oriented rather than an avoidance-oriented goal (58.9% versus 47.1%).
Every goal is easier to achieve with support. Perhaps you see it as a form of motivation if you insist on going it alone. Wouldn’t it be great to prove to others or yourself that you can do it? It certainly would, but why struggle? Why not make your life easier by getting support?
The Fix: Book a complimentary call with me here
Let’s work together to tackle all aspects of what I’ve been talking about above. I’ll bring the knowledge of what to eat for your goals and support you to create healthy habits that last. I’ll also be your cheerleader if you experience any barriers or setbacks that look like they might stand in the way of you achieving your goals.
Now is exactly the right time for a brand new you: new diet, new attitude and new healthy lifestyle habits.
Seven Steps to Supporting Your Immunity this Winter
If you're looking to ramp up your immune health this winter, you might be wondering, "How do I gear up my body to tackle those pesky illnesses?" Well, supporting your immunity isn't a walk in the park, but a few tweaks in your lifestyle and diet can give your body's defence system a serious upgrade against those sneaky pathogens.
There's a real connection between sleep and keeping your immune system in top-notch shape. Skimping on sleep? That's like sending an open invitation to sickness.
In a study with 164 healthy adults, the ones catching fewer than 6 hours of Zs were more likely to catch a cold. Adults, aim for 7 hours or more; teens, 8–10 hours; and the little ones, up to 14 hours. Having trouble dozing off? Try ditching screens an hour before bedtime and make your sleep space as dark as Batman's cave.
Load up on the good stuff – fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds, and legumes. They're packed with nutrients and antioxidants that put up a strong front against those nasty pathogens.
Think of them as your immune system's cheerleaders, fighting off inflammation and giving those free radicals a run for their money. Plus, they're like a feast for the good bacteria in your gut, making your immunity top-notch.
Embrace healthy fats like those found in olive oil and salmon. They're like the superheroes that calm down inflammation, preventing it from taking over.
Olive oil is not just anti-inflammatory; it's linked to keeping chronic diseases like heart disease and type 2 diabetes at bay. And let's not forget omega-3 fatty acids from salmon and chia seeds—they're inflammation-fighting champs too.
Keep an eye on added sugars and refined carbs. Research hints that they might have a hand in the overweight and obesity drama, and that duo could make you more susceptible to falling sick.
According to a study, folks with obesity were twice as likely to catch the flu even with a vaccine. Cut down on sugar, dial down inflammation, lose a bit of weight, and decrease your risk of chronic health issues.
Exercise is like a booster shot for your immune system. Not the hardcore, intense stuff, but a moderate, feel-good workout. It can even make vaccines more effective!
Regular moderate exercise is the friend your immune cells need to stay in shape and ready for action. Think brisk walks, steady biking, a bit of jogging, or a splash in the pool—aim for at least 150 minutes a week.
Water, water, water—it's your health's best friend. While it won't shield you from germs, staying hydrated is crucial for overall well-being.
Dehydration can mess with your head, focus, mood, and even kidney function, making you more prone to getting sick. Keep that urine pale yellow, and you're on the right track. Watch out for the sugar content in other types of drinks, especially juices and fizzy drinks.
Stress and your immune system? Not best friends. Long-term stress can mess with your immune cell squad and promote inflammation. Kids aren't spared either; their immune response can take a hit.
Combat stress with a dose of meditation, a bit of exercise, scribbling in a journal, yoga, or anything that brings zen vibes. Talking to a counsellor or therapist, virtual or in person, might be a game-changer too.
If you’d like to find out more about how you can support your body’s natural immune system over Winter, why not book in a call here.
Please get in touch and find out more - I offer a free 30-minute exploratory call.