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Alex Allan Nutrition
By Alex Allan on 03/07/24 | Blood Sugar Balance

Feel More Energised

There’s a lot to like about getting older. You’ve made most of the silly mistakes you’re going to (and survived), you’ve likely got more time on your hands since your children have flown the nest (or are at least at a more self-sufficient stage), you now have the confidence to care much less about what other people think of you and no longer suffer fools, you may find that you have more money in the bank to do with as you wish, and since the desire for more and better has diminished, you’re calmer and more content.

But do you find yourself wishing ‘if only…’ in relation to your health and wellness?

You may wonder where your energy and vitality has gone, your skin has probably lost its dewy glow and freshness, your digestion is more troublesome than it’s been in years, and you want to ensure you’re taking care of your long-term health, so there are no nasty surprises lurking round the corner.

I want to let you know that the food you eat matters more than you think. What and how you eat influences every area of your health and eating the right diet for YOU coupled with some positive lifestyle changes, like getting the sleep you need and managing stress, will help you feel like a new person.

There’s no reason that you cannot feel fabulous at any age, if you take the right actions, and it’s my job as a nutrition coach to motivate and support my clients to do just that. Of course, working one-to-one means I can create a nutrition and lifestyle strategy built around your exact needs. But here is my number 1 tip – get your blood sugar balanced.

There are so many reasons that you might be feeling more sluggish than you’d like, and pinpointing what’s behind your lack of energy is something we’d need to discuss in person. But what I’m going to share with you is a simple strategy that can make a big difference.

Balancing blood sugar levels is one of the key things I help my clients with. Eating in a way that provides a constant supply of energy through the day will help you avoid dips in blood sugar than can leave you feeling tired, grumpy and craving the ‘wrong’ kinds of foods.

Very simply, you’d want to have a little protein at every meal and snack. This includes meat, fish, eggs, and vegetarian protein sources like tofu, lentils, beans, chickpeas and quinoa. You also need plenty of non-starchy veg (starchy veg include potatoes,parsnips, sweet potatoes, corn) and smaller portions than you may be used to of starchy carbs like potatoes, rice, bread and pasta.

Unfortunately, the staple diet for many people involves cereal, sandwiches and pasta – often several servings in the same day – and this can contribute to blood sugar highs and subsequent crashes.

See if you can move to three meals a day, with no snacks. Eat enough at each meal to sustain you – including protein and healthy fats will help with this. And be mindful of the quality and quantity of carbohydrates you are including.

Watch out for your caffeine and alcohol intake too, as these drinks can seriously mess with your blood sugar balance. 

If you’d like further tips on getting the balance right, why not book in a call with me here?

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