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Alex Allan Nutrition
By Alex Allan on 22/08/24 | Lifestyle Tips

I love Bank Holiday weekends! A time to reconnect with family and friends, but it's also a signal that we're coming to the end of the summer.

Whatever your plans are this weekend, check out my top tips for navigating it wisely.

Tip 1: Don’t go Crazy

It can be tempting to go crazy over the Bank Holiday weekend, thinking you’re going to get back to your healthy lifestyle in September.

Instead, how about setting realistic goals over the weekend regarding alcohol, sugar and movement?  Think maintenance rather than putting your head in the sand.

Tip 2: Have a Plan Before You Go Out

I’m not suggesting that you have a complete itinerary for your Bank Hol weekend, we all love a bit of spontaneity, especially when the weather is good!

But if you have current health goals - what is the best way to keep these ticking over? Think about what you might eat when you’re out, how many drinks you’d like to have, what movement you can get in.

Tip 3: Watch Your Portion Sizes

Buffets and barbecues are fantastic, and a great way to share food with lots of people.

But beware of portion creep - we can easily eat two or three times more than we are intending too! Grab your plate and fill it to normal portions - ideally 1/4 plate carbs, 1/4 plate protein and 1/2 plate veggies. Resist the temptation to go back for more if you’re not hungry.

Tip 4: Could You Have One No-Alcohol Day?

Even without full-sugar mixers, alcohol is just plain sugar and may contribute to brain fog, low energy and weight gain if you go crazy.

Try to give your liver a day off over the weekend and limit the damage you do the rest of the time by choosing drinks wisely.

Tip 5: Add in Some Movement

Encourage everyone to get out for a walk after the barbecue! It can be tempting to sit around chatting all day, but just a ten-minute walk can help improve our blood sugar balance.

Get the kids out, take the dog for a walk, everyone will be grateful for a little movement!

And if you’d like to get your September started in the best possible way, why not book a free 30-minute health review with me today? Just click this link.

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