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Alex Allan Nutrition
By Alex on 02/11/20 | Nutrition Tips

Having spent five years knee-deep in textbooks and research papers studying for me BSc and Diploma in Nutritional Therapy, it is easy for me to forget that not everyone is familiar with the term. What does Nutritional Therapy actually entail? And how can it help you?

As defined by our professional body BANT (British Association for Nutrition and Lifestyle Medicine):

“Nutritional Therapy is the application of nutrition science in the promotion of health, performance and individual care. Registered Nutritional Therapists use a wide range of tools to assess and identify potential nutritional imbalances and understand how these may contribute to an individual’s symptoms and health concerns.”

This basically means that as a Nutritional Therapist I work with you to try and find out what changes can be made to your diet and lifestyle to make you feel better. What foods you eat, what sleep and relaxation you get, your medical and family histories, your environment at work and home, what exercise you get, your stress levels – all of these factors and more can impact how you feel and any symptoms you may be getting.

Nutritional Therapy uses a Functional Medicine approach. This entails a client-centred and science-based approach which allows us to work together to address the underlying causes of any symptoms you may have to promote wellness. By addressing the root causes, via taking personal histories, mapping symptoms, and using functional testing, we aim to get to the bottom of what’s going on.

I keep up to date with scientific research to ensure that I have the latest nutrition science at my fingertips. And, as a complementary therapy, I work alongside your GP and other healthcare professionals to try and give you the best outcomes.

Everyone is different. Everyone has different lives, responsibilities, tastes, amounts of time and money to spend. It’s my job to help find an approach that works for you as an individual. Click here to book a call with me today.

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